Finally i bought a camera it's called CANON 350D (yang mana otai2 photographer tu janganlah gelak) but i think for a start ok la, maybe this is 10 things yang buat i feel excited hahahaha. Don't ask the price la ... but that package include what the photographer needs ... agak puas hati la.
After had quick training with my founder bro fadil (mamat ni kira pro gak la) it was fun, i enjoyed it very much kira teruja la dapat tau benda2 baru. Glad to know new things. So to bro thanks a lot jasa mu di kenang, moga murah rezeki.
Kiranya pas ni blog ni akan di warnai oleh gambar2 yang aku amik hahahah. Hancur pon hancur la ... Da kena tambah lagi satu koje yang nak kena pikir after know how to create the blog.
Ok la ... nak shoot kat dalam toilet jap hahahah.
Don't forget see the result.
finally bro... boleh gi shoot mana2 ne.