Sunday, February 22, 2009

astronaut @ TGI Friday's

After watching UPIN & IPIN the movie i & kids dinner at TGI friday's, my kids still excieted talk about that movie and than tiba2 diorang terkejut when saw Datuk Dr Sheikh Muszapha at the restaurant. Hahahahahah.... I tell them this is our first astronaut and she say...astronaut tu apa ... Sebenarnya restaurant tu buat gimmik nak tarik perhatian pelanggan. Kira astronaut tu mock je la. Apa2 pon makanan kat situ ok gak sampai kena pinjam duit bini sikit.

1 comment:

  1. fuhh... bro ne.. sejak ada camera. menjadi2 dia neee...
